Bring vitality to your body and calm into your life
In Make Exercise A Meditation, Mastering Your Breath, Oscar Ichazo provides a commentary on the history of exercise, focusing on its real purpose and how that is achieved. Our body's optimum functioning can only be measured, not in terms of performance, like a machine, but in terms of health, as an organism. In the same way that we need daily nourishment, the body needs the circulation of our vital energy every day as well. We need to practice what promotes vitality and health in us and P-Cals does just that.
Ichazo presents "P-Cals," his energy–generating series of twenty–three moving and breathing exercises, using the specific breathing technique to awaken our body and provide a flash of vital energy throughout our entire organism.
P-Cals maximizes the results of exercise
P-Cals generates vitality that awakens our body and mind. We can also apply Ichazo's breathing technique throughout our day. By training our breath to develop its natural rhythm, we establish a life of internal calm and happiness.
Master your breath and
calm your emotions and your thoughts
About the Author
Oscar Ichazo is the originator of Integral Philosophy, which includes the Enneagram Theory of the Ego–Fixations. His groundbreaking work underscores the need to recognize human behavior from its lower levels to its higher understanding in order to meet the challenges of the current global situation and climate crisis. From this higher perspective, and with a unified effort based on an objective ethical understanding, we can face our planet's existential challenges with Unity and focus.