In The Climate Catastrophe, The Four Killers of Humanity Beyond Eco–Anxiety into Unity and Action, Oscar Ichazo presents the higher way forward, with the perspective provided by Unity, to address the planetary crisis with immediacy and direction. He brings to the forefront well–documented and revealing information on the planetary catastrophe caused by the "Four Killers of Humanity," resulting in violent climate change. He goes directly into the root causes of the devastation of the planet, revealing our individual and collective behavior leading to the climate catastrophe. This information points out the monumental efforts that are needed to address the problems.
This edition is an extended version of the We Are One, Facing Our Global Crisis with Unity book and includes clarification processes with the Immoral Force and other information, making the Teachings concerning climate change significant and understandable for the benefit of all.
The ultimate purpose of this book is to provide a way to attain Unity with like–minded people, recognizing that we are indeed one humanity. With this Unity we will find that, in fact, "We are One" as a human birthright, and with this knowledge we can go beyond our eco–anxiety and inaction and discover ways to take a role in being part of the solution by our actions to work toward a healthy planet for all creatures with whom we share life on our precious Earth.
"An understanding of Unity can orient us forward
to a higher purpose for the common good of all."
Oscar Ichazo
About the Author
Oscar Ichazo is the originator of Integral Philosophy, which includes the Enneagram Theory of the Ego–Fixations. His groundbreaking work underscores the need to recognize human behavior from its lower levels to its higher understanding in order to meet the challenges of the current global situation and climate crisis. From this higher perspective, and with a unified effort based on an objective ethical understanding, we can face our planet's existential challenges with Unity and focus.